1.  How clear is the link between performance results and the capabilities the organization must become very good at?

2.  The Minnesota personnel department, for example, became very good at both policy compliance and service.

3.  It could be the difference between becoming merely good at something and becoming a champion.

4.  And he became quite good at it.

5.  And Scioscia, who has become quite good at answering questions without actually answering them, was diplomatic.

6.  As a result they become very good at shopping and can derive benefits from the skill.

7.  All these activities can be taught, and if people are willing to work at it, they stand a chance of becoming good at one or another.

8.  But Dr. Laura Carstensen, a Stanford University psychologist, says it could well be that older people have become good at regulating their emotions.

9.  EarthLink exec Lance Weatherby says the wireless market is the next big market for the type of Internet access Earthlink has become so good at providing.

10.  FTC consumer protection authorities said scam artists have become good at providing bogus references, and changing corporate identities frequently to stay ahead of Better Business Bureau complaints.

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